Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Brand new Miss Blimey illustration!

Check out the brand new Miss Blimey illustration from the amazing Chris Burns! To see more of his stuff head to www.chrisbones.com

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

They call me swordfingers

At a first glance these items may seem pointless and stupid but you would be wrong damn it - wrong! They are in fact something so ridiculous that they are better than a lump of purest green (extra points if ye recognize the Black Adder reference thar). A set of 4 is only $4.95 so strap on some miniature goodness and win some battles of yer own! 

Thursday, July 2, 2009

When things are getting you down...

Always remember that one day the Zombie Apocolypse will come and those on the sea will be right - Arrrgh! 

Friday, June 26, 2009

Parrots are the coolest!

Parrots seriously are the best companion a pyrate can have. First up they are super smart, and they can fly. Monkey's though smart can't fly so they can't really report back on too much to the Captain if there be trouble. Also parrots can learn to speak the human language, and even though it might only be a few words that's still pretty damn impressive. My parrots name is Rawkous. He's a lovely little fluffy clockwork chap, though he does tend to curse if he's wound to tight. We all have our quirks.  

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New Miss Blimey website is live!

So me heartys after many days spent in front of the warm glow of me Apple Mac the new Miss Blimey website is finally live. Go one over there now and take yourselves a peek.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A cutlass need be shiny

A Pyrates best friend oft' be their Cutlass, or sword - not to be confused with an Oldsmobile. This needs be kept in good working order and clean. Rust have no place on a pirate ship (well as much be avoided) and on your cutlass this be a cryme. A Pyrates other side-arm be the flintlock, a type of pistol. A Pyrate Captain's flintlock often be ornate as befitting their status tho it not be unusual for crew members to take such pride in their weaponry also.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

By way an' drop anchor

Every pyrate needs a ship for the whole point of bein' a pyrate is to sail the sea. Land pyrates be called bandits or outlaws an' they not much like it when we be labeled as such nor do we like it when they be labeled pyrates. At any rate here be what a good pyrate ship should look like - though for fast getaways and maneuverability a sloop be more practical.